Selected Mahikari information on the Web

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My choice picks

Here is a selection of what I consider to be the best sources of information about Mahikari available on the web, with a brief description of each link. All links have been checked by me and are current, and have additional information not included in this site. Visitors to this site can also suggest links I may have overlooked.

Summary of the teachings of Jesus Christ, written in English, and several European and Asian languages.
Compiled by Sociology students at the University of Virginia, this site provides a general overview of Mahikari teachings, and is a good starting point for research.
Compiled by former members of Mahikari, this site features information gathered from publications, articles, personal experiences, references to academic publications about the movement, and newspaper reports. Highly recommended.

Favorite Sites

List of anti-Mahikari articles from former Mahikari members, cult experts and newspapers from around the world, compiled by this anti-cult mind control group.
To my knowledge, one of the only official Mahikari sites on the web, with a general outline of its teachings.
Introductory information about Sukyo Mahikari teachings and activities.
Andris Tebecis, author of Sukyo Mahikari: Thank God for the Answers at Last, has also published Is the Future in Our Hands? My experiences with Sukyo Mahikari. It may be ordered directly from the publisher, Sunrise Press.